Welcome back to the Roc and for all of you freshies, welcome to the first of your four glorious years here! This year make sure to push the envelope and explore!
When the PRR doubles as a sweltering sauna and Gleason as a raucous madhouse. When a place in the Great Hall is as coveted as a ticket to Anderson Cooper. When you just aren't feeling Mr. Rhees. Don't even think twice!
Drag that book bag to Spot Coffee, a converted car dealership down by Eastman at 200 East Ave. With lofty ceilings, long windows, a grandiose fireplace, soft music, and an assortment of antique parlor furniture, Spot emanates a sort of productive coziness. Grab a coffee (they also have all sorts of inventive drink combinations), and a nosh, before kicking back with the laptop to plug out that 10 pager. Note to self: although Spot's free WIFI may be tempting, try to resist stalking everyone and their mother on Facebook and get your work done.